JPS International Inc.

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BayLynx Cambering Machines: CIVES Southwest

CIVES South-West Division recently finished the construction of their new structural steel fabrication facility. The beam-line includes a Bay-Lynx BC-1600 Cambering machine integrated with an EMS material handling system. When choosing to go with this system they wanted something that would be easily integrated into their entire beam-line while avoiding any bottlenecks. The lift and kneel system on the Bay-Lynx Cambering Machine allows fabricators like CIVES to camber beams with ease in a beam-line while reducing the material handling time for each piece.

Experience That Matters

BayLynx and JPS International Inc. have helped steel fabricators all around the world become more profitable and efficient when it comes to beam cambering. BayLynx prides itself on its experience of being a structural steel fabricator themselves and helping educate their customers to become more productive in their shops.

Affordable Automation

The BayLynx Cambering Machine system is the most economically priced Cambering machine on the market today while still maintaining high quality standard of manufacturing process and components. Not only is the machine priced competitively but cambering is one of the most profitable operations in a structural steel fabrication shop today.

Shop Consulting

The JPS team has helped hundreds of fabricators streamline their cambering process into existing and new facilities. Contact us today to find out more about how to increase profits and reduce material handling when cambering beams.